Category Archives: Star Wars Episode 1,2,3 LEGO Minifigures

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Naboo Fighter Pilot Red Jumpsuit

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Naboo Fighter Pilot – Red JumpsuitVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Medical Droid

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Medical DroidVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Sebulba

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – SebulbaVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Captain Panaka

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Captain Panaka  Visit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Padme Naberrie Flesh

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Padme Naberrie – FleshThis figure features a double sided headVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Watto

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – WattoVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Wald

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – WaldVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Key Chain Kit Fisto

LEGO Key Chain – Kit Fisto

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Battle Droid Pilot

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Battle Droid PilotVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Jar Jar Binks Clone Wars

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Jar Jar Binks Clone WarsVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Gungan Soldier Clone Wars

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Gungan Soldier Clone WarsVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Anakin Skywalker Detailed Shirt

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Anakin Skywalker – Detailed ShirtVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Battle Droid Security with Straight Arm

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Battle Droid Security with Straight ArmVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Naboo Fighter Pilot

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Naboo Fighter PilotVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Naboo Security Guard

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Naboo Security GuardVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Naboo Security Officer

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Naboo Security OfficerVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Captain Tarpals

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Captain TarpalsVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Clone Pilot Ep.3 Open Helmet

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Clone Pilot Ep. 3 – Open HelmetVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Gungan Warrior

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Gungan WarriorVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Battle Droid Geonosian

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Battle Droid GeonosianVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Chancellor Palpatine Ep.3

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Chancellor Palpatine – Ep. 3Visit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Battle Droid with Back Plate Dark Orange

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Battle Droid with Back Plate – Dark Orange Visit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Padme Naberrie

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Padme NaberrieVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure 212th Battalion Trooper

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – 212th Battalion TrooperVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Neimoidian Warrior

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Neimoidian WarriorVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure 41st Elite Corps Trooper

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – 41st Elite Corps TrooperVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Buzz Droid

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Buzz DroidVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure 41st Kashyyyk Clone Trooper

Lego Star Wars Mini Figure – 41st Kashyyyk Clone TrooperVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Clone Trooper

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Clone TrooperVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure V-wing Pilot

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – V-wing PilotFeatures a double sided headVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Chief Tarfful

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Chief TarffulFeatures a double sided headVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure R2-D2 Silver and Dark Blue

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – R2-D2 – Silver and Dark BlueVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Kit Fisto with Cape

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Kit Fisto with CapeVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Boba Fett Young

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Boba Fett YoungFeatures a double sided headVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Nikto Guard

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Nikto GuardVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Ewok Warrior

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Ewok WarriorVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Obi-Wan Kenobi Rako Hardeen Bounty Hunter Disguise

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Obi-Wan Kenobi – Rako Hardeen Bounty Hunter DisguiseVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Obi-Wan Kenobi Headset

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Obi-Wan Kenobi – HeadsetVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Battle Droid Pilot Blue Torso

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Battle Droid Pilot – Blue TorsoVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Clone Pilot Ep. III

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Clone Pilot – Ep. IIIVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure FA-4 Pilot Droid

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – FA-4 Pilot DroidVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Poggle the Lesser

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Poggle the LesserVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Coleman Trebor

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Coleman TreborVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure Darth Maul Mechanical Legs

LEGO Star Wars Mini Figure – Darth Maul – Mechanical LegsVisit our LEGO Weapons section for a great range of Blaster Guns, Lightsabers, Capes and more. . .