Category Archives: Minifigures Series 15

LEGO Minifigures Series 15 Collectable Leaflet

LEGO – Minifigures Series 15 Collectable LeafletEach Leaflet has a unique code which can be used to unlock a minifigure in the LEGO Minifigures Online game. If you would like a specific character, email us at support@firestartoys. com and we can supply you with a code.

LEGO Minifigures Series 15 Collectable Shop Display Box

LEGO – Minifigures Series 15 Collectable Shop Display BoxA great way to store your LEGO minifigure series collection.

LEGO Minifigures Queen

LEGO Minifigures – Queen œLet us get with the times! The Queen comes from a slightly larger kingdom than the Classic King, and as such she wonders if it wouldn ™t be a good idea to be a little less old-fashioned and a little more up-to-date. There are all sorts of modern conveniences that could

LEGO Minifigures Shark Suit Guy

LEGO Minifigures – Shark Suit Guy œYikes! Was that a fin?! The Shark Suit Guy watched a scary shark movie once, and he ™s been afraid of them ever since. For a long time, he didn ™t dare go into the water at the beach, and he even avoided swimming pools and bathtubs just in

LEGO Minifigures Tribal Woman

LEGO Minifigures – Tribal Woman œOnce there was a woman who told stories to her child Like her father and her grandmother before her, the Tribal Woman is a storyteller. She knows many stories, some true and some imaginary, and a few that are both at the same time. Some of her stories are old

LEGO Minifigures Wrestling Champion

LEGO Minifigures – Wrestling Champion œNYAARH!! I WIN AGAIN, PANTS!!! The Wrestling Champion is famous for two things: his unrestrained energy, and his very loud shouting. For him, the entire world is one big wrestling match. Along with wrestling in the ring “ and doing it extremely well “ he also wrestles his clothes on

LEGO Minifigures Animal Control

LEGO Minifigures – Animal Control œOh no, not old Stinky again! When there ™s a bat in your belfry, a rattlesnake in your rafters, or an elephant in your swimming pool, you call the Animal Control specialist. She knows all the best tricks for luring unwanted critter visitors out of their hiding places, capturing them

LEGO Minifigures Laser Mech

LEGO Minifigures – Laser Mech œTo the EXTREME! The Laser Mech is totally, completely, and 1000% rad. When he blasts onto the scene with his transparent techno-wings and neon-piped high-visibility stealth armor, his beltline display pulsing to the rocking beat of his own riotous theme song, everybody knows that the coolest robotic hero in the

LEGO Minifigures Astronaut

LEGO Minifigures – Astronaut œThat ™s one small plate for a Minifigure, one giant brick for minifigure-kind! All his life, the Astronaut has been obsessed with exploring outer space. He read every book he could find about the space program, built his own pretend rocket-ships out of spare bricks, and even tried eating the astronaut

LEGO Minifigures Ballerina

LEGO Minifigures – Ballerina œIf you want to be as graceful as a swan, you have to train like a horse. It isn ™t so easy to be a world-class dancer! That ™s why the elegant Ballerina trains hard every day. It ™s not just about wearing a frilly tutu and lacing up her stylish

LEGO Minifigures Clumsy Guy

LEGO Minifigures – Clumsy Guy œWhoops! The poor Clumsy Guy must have the worst luck of any Minifigure. No matter how safe and careful he tries to be, something always goes disastrously wrong. If there ™s a banana peel around, he ™ll slip on it every time. If someone has left a skateboard near the

LEGO Minifigures Farmer

LEGO Minifigures – Farmer œAll in a day ™s work! Every day, the hard-working Farmer gets up at sunrise when the rooster crows. He puts on his overalls, his well-worn boots and his old brown hat, and he goes outside to slop the pigs, milk the cows and feed the horses. After that, it ™s

LEGO Minifigures Faun

LEGO Minifigures – Faun œTra-la-la, tro-lo-lo, tree-lee-lee! The fantastical Faun lives in the woods, where he plays his flute, makes up silly riddles, and dances all the day long (he also sings a little, but he isn ™t very good at it). Part goat and part Minifigure, he gets along with all of nature and

LEGO Minifigures Flying Warrior

LEGO Minifigures – Flying Warrior œJustice never rests! Even a mythological spirit of protection can ™t be everywhere all the time. When the Battle Goddess decided that her mission of justice could use a helping hand, she selected a warrior of the ancient world who had proven both his valor in combat and his great

LEGO Minifigures Frightening Knight

LEGO Minifigures – Frightening Knight œBoo! Boo who? Boo ME! The Frightening Knight is very, very scary. No one is quite certain just what makes him so scary. Maybe it ™s his gravelly, growly voice. Maybe it ™s his scowling expression, or his intimidating armor and helmet, or his spiky morning star weapon, or the

LEGO Minifigures Janitor

LEGO Minifigures – Janitor œI ™ve got something here that ™ll clean that right up. Nothing fazes the unflappable Janitor. In the face of spills, stains, and other scenarios much too awful to name, he and his mop are ready to take on every cleaning challenge, whether it be at school, at the office, or

LEGO Minifigures Jewel Thief

LEGO Minifigures – Jewel Thief œIt ™s the perfect crime! When night falls over the city, the Jewel Thief is in her element. As the police patrol the streets below, her grappling gun takes her up to the roof. There, she easily deactivates the alarm system, cuts through the skylight glass, and lowers herself down

LEGO Minifigures Kendo Fighter

LEGO Minifigures – Kendo Fighter œStrength of arms cannot defeat experience. Blade-wielding villains are often amused to find themselves facing the Kendo Fighter and his two wooden swords. At first, they laugh at his audacity in carrying simple practice weapons and armor into battle. After all, how can mere bamboo stand against the strength and