Category Archives: Minifigures Series 11

LEGO Minifigures Series 11 Collectable Shop Display Box

LEGO – Minifigures Series 11 Collectable Shop Display BoxA great way to store your LEGO minifigure series collection.

LEGO Minifigures Series 11 Collectable Leaflet

LEGO – Minifigures Series 11 Collectable Leaflet

LEGO Minifigures Scientist

LEGO Minifigures – ScientistI wonder what will happen if I put THIS together with THAT The brilliant Scientist ™s specialty is finding new and interesting ways to combine things together. She ™ll spend all night in her lab analyzing how to connect bricks of different sizes and shapes (she won the coveted Nobrick Prize for

LEGO Minifigures Barbarian

LEGO Minifigures – Barbarian œDon ™t get in my way! There isn ™t a monster, prison tower, or evil tyrant in the world that the Barbarian wouldn ™t try to demolish. With powerful muscles from a life in the savage wilderness and a sword gripped in each hand, he smashes, bashes, and crashes his way

LEGO Minifigures Constable

LEGO Minifigures – Constable œStop in the name of the law! The Constable is an old-fashioned sort of policeman. He doesn ™t use a fancy squad car or motorcycle. Instead, he patrols the cobbled streets on foot, twirling his baton as he walks his daily route. He knows every law by heart, he always keeps

LEGO Minifigures Diner Waitress

LEGO Minifigures – Diner Waitress œReally? You ™re sure that ™s what you want? The Diner Waitress has a strong opinion about everything “ the weather, today ™s crossword puzzle, and especially the dishes that her customers order. If you want to eat what she thinks you should eat, then there ™s no problem at

LEGO Minifigures Evil Mech

LEGO Minifigures – Evil Mech œKzzt! Mission accomplished. Built with antimatter microcircuits etched in the heart of a black hole and programmed by the top cyber-slicer of the sinister Blacktron space raiders, the Evil Mech is a dangerous force for interplanetary crime and chaos. A cutting-edge nano-coating lets this robotic menace slip through force fields

LEGO Minifigures Grandma

LEGO Minifigures – Grandma œYou look chilly! Would you like some warm milk and cookies? You won ™t find a sweeter lady in the whole wide LEGO brick world than Grandma. Whether she is knitting on her porch rocking chair or baking a fresh apple pie, she ™s always happy to hear about your day

LEGO Minifigures Island Warrior

LEGO Minifigures – Island Warrior œGo away now! The Island Warrior keeps vigilant watch over the forbidden cove of his enchanted island home. When he spots a ship sailing near, whether it flies the skull-and-crossbones or the flag of the Imperial navy, he puts on his carved wooden mask and gets ready to drive off

LEGO Minifigures Lady Robot

LEGO Minifigures – Lady Robot œPar-ty par-ty par-ty! The Lady Robot was originally built to be a toy, just like the Clockwork Robot. But as soon as her cogs and gears sprang to life, it was clear that there was something that she liked even more “ and that ™s PARTYING!Nobody else can party like

LEGO Minifigures Mountain Climber

LEGO Minifigures – Mountain Climber œNo cliff too steep, no peak too high! The Mountain Climber doesn ™t just like to climb “ he ™s also a highly-trained and skilled rescue worker! If anybody gets stuck on a mountainside, he ™s the one who gets called in. Whether he ™s rappelling down from a helicopter

LEGO Minifigures Pretzel Girl

LEGO Minifigures – Pretzel Girl œWho needs a phone when you can yodel? Every morning, the Pretzel Girl dresses up in her traditional clothes and climbs up to the hills to practice her yodeling. She has to do it far away from her village, because her very impressive yodel can be heard for miles around

LEGO Minifigures Saxophone Player

LEGO Minifigures – Saxophone Player œLet ™s groove. The Saxophone Player is a Minifigure of few words. While others chatter away, he prefers to let his music do the talking for him. In the park, out on the street, or on stage at a nightclub, he picks up his saxophone and plays whatever thoughts and

LEGO Minifigures Scarecrow

LEGO Minifigures – Scarecrow œLet me know if you see any birds around here! The Scarecrow takes his duty of keeping birds out of the farmer ™s cornfield very seriously, and he tries his hardest to frighten them off whenever he sees one fly near. He thinks he ™s the spookiest thing around, since no

LEGO Minifigures Welder

LEGO Minifigures – Welder œStand back. Things are gonna get hot. The Welder thrives on a good emergency. Give him a week to repair a broken deck plate and he ™ll yawn and put off the work until tomorrow, but tell him that he has 45 seconds to fix a cracked pipe or the whole