Category Archives: Minifigures Series 1

LEGO Minifigures Series 1 Collectable Shop Display Box

LEGO – Minifigures Series 1 Collectable Shop Display BoxA great way to store your LEGO minifigure series collection.

LEGO Minifigures Series 1 Collectable Leaflet

LEGO – Minifigures Series 1 Collectable Leaflet

LEGO Minifigures Caveman

LEGO Minifigures – Caveman œMe build, therefore me am! This would-be inventor from the prehistoric past is always tinkering with sticks, rocks and the occasional bricks he finds lying around, trying to invent something new. Of course, everything he comes up with has already been invented “ he ™s a Caveman with a tiny little

LEGO Minifigures Demolition Dummy

LEGO Minifigures – Demolition Dummy œDisassemble! Demolish! Deconstruct! The Demolition Dummy exists to take things apart. He is compelled to disassemble everything that he comes across into its component parts, leaving piles of pieces behind wherever he goes. Although he doesn ™t seem to be very bright or creative, he is extremely persistent, and it

LEGO Minifigures Super Wrestler

LEGO Minifigures – Super Wrestler œI will defeat you “ with HONOR! Only three things matter to the Super Wrestler: his mask, his honor, and the time-honored art of wrestling. He throws himself at every challenge that comes his way with gusto, counting on the strength of justice and his muscular arms to save the

LEGO Minifigures Forestman

LEGO Minifigures – Forestman œHave no fear, for I am here! The brave and fearless Forestman is always arriving just in the nick of time to save the day. Whether he ™s swinging down on a vine to rescue a damsel in distress, leaping boldly from the castle battlements to duel an evil duke, or

LEGO Minifigures Skater

LEGO Minifigures – Skater œBet you can ™t do THIS! The young Skater practices all the time to be the greatest skateboarder in the world. He lives for speed and tricky stunts, and when he ™s around, any and every surface becomes his own private skate park. His board is his prize possession, and he

LEGO Minifigures Spaceman

LEGO Minifigures – Spaceman œGreetings, strange creatures. I come in peace! This brave and intrepid space traveler doesn ™t quite realize that he ™s not out exploring the cosmos. The Spaceman walks in long, slow bounds across the landscape, somehow ignoring the fact that gravity is perfectly normal for everything else around him. He ™s

LEGO Minifigures Cheerleader

LEGO Minifigures – Cheerleader œGimmie an L! Gimmie an E! Gimmie a G! Gimmie an O! Yaaay! The Cheerleader is perpetually filled to bursting with energy, excitement and enthusiasm. She prefers cartwheels and handsprings to plain old ordinary walking, and she waves her pom-poms around wildly whenever she talks, which is pretty much all of

LEGO Minifigures Ninja

LEGO Minifigures – Ninja œLike a shadow in the night, I “ oops! Stealthy. Sneaky. A cunning master of martial arts. None of these things describes the Ninja, although he sure wishes they did. He tries his best to dramatically blend into the shadows or hide in plain sight like all the other ninjas can,

LEGO Minifigures Robot

LEGO Minifigures – Robot œNot building does not compute! With his powerful metal body and mighty claws, the Robot may look tough, but what he really loves to do is build, build, build! Constantly clanking, beeping, whirring and sending out jets of steam, he works tirelessly day and night, searching out spare bricks wherever he