LEGO Minifigures Tennis Ace

LEGO Minifigures – Tennis Ace œWham! And there it goes! Some minifigures train hard all their lives to be good at their chosen sport and then there ™s the Tennis Ace. Where other tennis players might wait for the ball to come to them, he hurls himself toward it with all his strength, swinging his racket around wildly. Instead of carefully aiming the ball, he hits it in any random direction and hopes it lands inside the court ™s lines. It ™s not the most traditional way to play, and yet somehow it manages to work. Despite a complete lack of strategy, patience and timing, the Tennis Ace just keeps moving up in the rankings. Maybe it ™s luck, maybe it ™s well-hidden natural talent and maybe it ™s sheer gusto, but whatever it is, it sure does drive the other players crazy when he wins!

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